Lithuanian residence permit for 2 years
What is a Lithuanian residence permit and what opportunities will open up?
Having a residence permit in Lithuania, you will be given the opportunity to travel without a visa to 26 European countries that are part of the Schengen area. In addition, the chance to get a visa to countries such as the UK, USA, Australia, Canada will increase dramatically.
Also, if you have a residence permit in Lithuania, you will be able to receive full medical care in the country and social protection. It will be possible to open an account in the Bank of Lithuania. You will also be able to get an education in the country for free.
The residence permit will be a kind of pass throughout Lithuania and other European countries. The permit period is up to two years. Two months before the end, it is necessary to apply in order to extend the residence permit. After five years of residence in Lithuania, you can apply for a permanent residence permit in the country. After obtaining permanent residence, an immigrant becomes a full-fledged resident of the European Union with a lifetime status.
There are two ways to get a residence permit in Lithuania.
1 job option - you will need to work for an employer.
Option 2 without work. Below we will describe the stages and terms of registration.

Stages of the process with mandatory work

That is, it will be necessary to work. The cost of $ 1100 is paid in 2 stages
After signing the contract 500$

After receiving the documents for applying for a residence permit 600$

Your additional expenses:
The consular fee is 160 euros (payment at the visa center)
Service fee of 40 euros (payment at the visa center)
Application form entry visa support 60$

Documents that will be required from you

-Passport photo and internal passport

--Certificate of no criminal record with English translation + apostille

-Diploma or certificate of a construction profession or similar-for the chosen vacancy (if there is no such, let us know, we will consider an alternative). Diploma translated into English + apostille.

Stages of the process without reference to the employer

It is not necessary to work. The cost of $ 2500 is paid in 2 stages
After signing the contract 1000$

After receiving the documents from the employer 1500$

Your additional expenses:
The consular fee is 160 euros (payment at the visa center)
Service fee of 40 euros (payment at the visa center)
Application form entry visa support 60$

Documents that will be required from you

-Passport photo and internal passport

--Certificate of no criminal record with English translation + apostille

-Diploma or certificate of a construction profession or similar-for the chosen vacancy (if there is no such, let us know, we will consider an alternative). Diploma translated into English + apostille.

Deadlines and consideration of documents

On average, it takes from 3 to 4 months to complete the registration procedure after your first payment.

Then you get your residence permit at the visa center where you applied for a residence permit. You get it and fly to Lithuania with it

You apply for a residence permit in your country or in another country if you have a residence permit of another country

Current vacancies

Business trips in Europe

The builders have business trips to: Germany, France, Sweden, the Netherlands and Belgium. If you are a plumber, electrician, welder, then you can go to one of these countries on business trips. The employer determines which country to send you to (you will be able to discuss the country with him in Lithuania).

How to travel?

They send first of all good specialists. In the second, unskilled workers, that is, helpers, etc.

You come to Lithuania, the employer clarifies your experience. If he doubts that you are a good specialist, he can leave you in Lithuania so that you gain experience and then go to other EU countries.

If he has no doubt, he can send you on a business trip immediately or after some time.

Are you ready to proceed with the registration or do you have any questions?

Then write to the Bot the vacancy you have chosen and ask a question
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